where can i buy vitamin b12 injections uk

where can i buy vitamin b12 injections uk

What is Vitamin B12? / where can i buy vitamin b12 injections uk

where can i buy vitamin b12 injections uk, Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in our body’s biological processes. It’s important in the production of red blood cells and essential for cell replication. It also assists in helping our body convert food to energy.  B12 is particularly acknowledged for its benefits to the nervous system as well as the immune system.

Vitamin B12 is available in two forms – Cyanocobalamin or Methylcobalamin.

Why choose Methylcobalamin? / where can i buy vitamin b12 injections uk

Methylcobalamin is the natural form of Vitamin B12. The body actually converts Cyanocobalamin into Methylcobalamin, which is the form the human body needs to function properly. This makes it more readily bioavailable – meaning it is more easily absorbed into the system.

What are the benefits of a Vitamin B12 supplement?

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin which means that you need to consume it regularly in order to maintain adequate levels within the body. Further to this, as time goes by, vitamin B12 levels decrease in our blood, so older people may benefit by supplementing in terms of their general well-being. 

When combined with Folic Acid, vitamin B12 may help maintain the health of your heart, as together they are thought to help process levels of an amino acid called homocysteine.

Vegetarians and vegans may particularly benefit from supplementing with Vitamin B12 due to the fact that the main dietary sources are meat, diary, fish and eggs. In fact it’s highly recommended as the potential for deficiency is very high among this group of people.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include tiredness and fatigue, muscle weakness, memory and mood problems so if you’re concerned you’re not getting enough in your diet put a safeguard in place and top up with a convenient supplement.

Formulated for a direct route to the bloodstream

Just Vitamins Methylcobalamin tablet has been developed to allow sublingual administration (to be placed under the tongue and left to dissolve) if preferred. The tablet is blackcurrant flavoured, so tastes great too! You can of course, chew or swallow whole if you prefer, although sublingual administration is thought to offer the best and a more direct, and undisturbed route to the blood-stream.

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